You said tank? it's more like a mobile fortress ▶️ M3 Lee

Everyone knows that feeling when you are readyto shoot, crosshair already on enemys tank but suddenly your gunner is knocked out.
Some tanks can escape, some are helplesslywaiting for enemies reload.
But m3Lee players know that one killed gunneris not something that stops your killstreak.
If you dont like to sit idle between reloadsand have a feeling that one gun is not enough for you USA medium tank m3 lee Will give youability to operate 37 mm gun , 75mm gun or both of them at the same time.
This vehicle allmost feels like controllingtwo tanks at the same time- providing you with tactical choices that wouldnt even bepossible with usual vehicles.
In the video ill show you what two guns arecapable off , how to controll them more effectively and why it's good to drive slow while controlingthis tank.
37mm cannon is your main gun.
it's mounted on a turret and as expected fromturrets it's located on top of the tank and can rotate freely with a speed of 18 degreesper second that is really good compared to most of similarbattle rating tanks and only guns depresion of -6 degrees can be an issue becouse thatis less than what usa tanks normally have On the other hand 75mm is build innto tankshull whitch makes it more difficult to operate.
First of all it has limited horizontal traverseangles of 15 degreees to each side that means to use it enemy must besomewhere in front of your tank.
And another thing – becouse it's closer toground any small rocks in front – between gun and enemy can block the shell from reachingtarget.
Becouse cannon calibers are different bothguns shoot different ammunition.
The smaller one shoots solid armor piercingshells And there you can choose between two options.
armor piercing and armor piercing capped ballisticcapped.
Most notable difference is that the firstone has slightly more penetration on short distancewhile the second one looses less penetration when shooting distant targets.
They have similar penetration propertys atrange of 500 meters so the shell choice will depend on how far your targets are located.
But in general difference is not too big andit's ok to have only 1 option since most of the time shooting two guns seperately, whilethey both have quite small reload time , will already requirea lot attention and there will be no time in engagement to be concerned about switchingshells.
The 75 mm cannon also has several options.
high explosive is not powerfull enough tobe effective.
solid armor piercing shell that has the mostpenetration of any other shell available to this tank.
Or armor piercing high explosive with over60grams of explosives and in case you forgot- explosives are bad when detonating insidethe tank.
Knowing how devastating APHE shells are it'sworth sacrificing 10 milimeters of penetration to have a shellthat has so good post penetration effect that one shots opponents most of the time.
It's penetration is similar to your 37 mmgun but that is enough to pierce through front of any tank at your battle rating.
but when overtieredcarrying few armor piercing shells for you biggest gun can be a gamechanger if you facesomething like soviet kv-1.
Your smaller shells have a muzzle velocityof nearly 900 hundred meters per second and gun is reloaded around every 3 seconds.
It makes it easy to aim at distant targetsand any mistake can be quickly corrected with another shot.
Knowing that less than a kilogram projectilerarely one shot opponents – ability to shoot quickly and precisely is a blessing.
The bigger gun take about 5 seconds to reloadand muzzle velocity is allmost600meters per second and thats noticably slower so you shouldaim higher to compensate worse ballistics and keep in mind that cannon is already locatedcloser to ground.
Theese things make big cannon harder to aimand every missed shot will take slightly longer untill you can shoot again.
Armor is above average than what you wouldexpect from medium tank.
And is about that thickness when effectivenesdepends on what kind of vehicles are you playing against.
againt your battle rating opponents frontalplates protects you very well especially if you keep some distance where all low calibercannons loose significant amount of penetration.
But at close range or when overtiered youshould assume that anyone will be able to punch through armor.
The only thing that coul help in this situationis trickyness of armor.
Tank definately doesnt look how people usuallyimagine tanks.
and has plenty of strange looking plates, curves , 100mm thick straps, 12mmstraps I want to believe theese random looking thingsare for protection purposes and not to prevent vehicle from falling apart.
additionally vehicle is assymetricalone side has gun while another has angled plate.
and all theese little details can betricky for an opponent and time to time will save your crew members from dying.
And when it comes to dying, whoever triesto speed up this process with your tank , will have a hard time even if his shots can penetrateyour armor easily.
Becouse not all shells have so much post penetrationeffect to disable unusually large crew of 6 members.
It gets even more difficult becouse if atleast one of your gunners survives you can still defent yourself agains an opponentwho is waiting for reload.
Talking about mobility- you cant expect vehiclewith large crew, two guns and good armor to be light enough for flanking manevures.
when it comes to driving forward38 kilometers per hour is your limit – not the slowest tank but definitel below the averageof the rest of your team.
Making turns is also quite slow and that getseven more painful knowing that rotating your hull towards enemys is important to effectivelyuse both of your guns.
Reverse is capped at 5 kilometers per hourand that is also slow.
But being slow is not allways a bad thing.
Especially for m3 lee.
Becouse both guns have vertical stabilizerswhitch are mostly effective when moving at low speeds.
This doesnt allow you to shoot precisely ona move when you are moving faster than 10 km/h, but it will compensate hull woblingwhen stopping or starting movements and very slow reverse speed allows you toexploit your stabilizers in full to disengage and send very accurate shots at the same time.
You can also shoot smoke shells from your75mm gun.
on one hand that means that you can only launch smoke in the direction tankshull is facing, but on the other hand you still have another cannon and you arenot left defenseless for the duration of reload like other tanks who can load smoke shellsinto their guns.
When you need that additional firepower todeal with planes or trucks you have two small caliber machine guns.
one is coaxial with a smaller cannon and anotheris mounted in a little turret that is located on your turret.
ABIn arcade becouse of engine boost you will become more manevurable and on first lookfaster moving a hull towards enemy positions will let you use 75mm gun more oftenbut in practise becouse of arcade game mode specifics the biggest cannon of m3 lee willbe used even less.
becouse of markers you cannot stay in theopen an naturally will seek for some solid cover like rocks or buildings.
and becouse the material of whitch rocks aremade is heavyer than air they will be located on the ground.
You know what else is close to the ground?the 75mm cannon whitch will be blocked by cover you hide behind.
of course its possible to approach buildingby exposing only tanks right side but this way you wont be able to use another cannonunless exposing a very big part of your tank but all theese thing are more difficult toperform and most of the time playing arcade will just mean using 75mm gun less.
But how do you controll all theese guns effectively? there is easy way, hard way, and a mediumone.
The simplest way – do nothing.
Every time you press fire button both gunswill shoot.
if 75mm cannon is too far from where you arepointing it's aiming circle will turn red ant wont shoot.
The disadvantage of this is that both gunsshoot at the same time and becouse of different gun placement and ballistics one shell willfly higher and another lower.
at long ranges that meansthat at least one of your shells will not hit the target.
The hardest way is to bind keys for separateguns and control them one by one.
It also has disadvantages.
first of all whenever you switch guns in snipermode you get a scoped view from different parts of the tank and that change of viewcan make you loose your target especially when lover gun is blocked by something onthe ground.
And whenever you control one of the guns – anotherfreezes in place and you will need to allighn them seperately each time, or switch to controlboth of them to allign and then switch again to control them seperatelyThis way of control is quite difficult to perform becouse of all that micromanagementand requires you to bind at least 2 additional keys for both guns and a third one to usethem both at the same time.
i used the control mode i found to be theeasyest but at the same time allowing you to shoot cannons seperately.
it requires you to bind only 1 button forfiring secondary gun.
This way i allways use scoped view of theupper gun that is usually above anything that can block line of sight.
after shooting first projectile i can adjustmy aim for different ballistics and only then shoot another gun.
Disadvantage of this is when your turret isfacing sideways and you suddenly need to shoot 75mm cannon right in front of the tank , you will aither need to wait for your turret to use scoped view, or shoot unscoped in 3rdperon view.
OVERALLm3lee gives you more firepower , more opportunities and of course fun- if you are willing to putsome effeort into controlling more difficult tank.
Your view is blocked by smoke or trees justkeep sending shells into the approximate area of enemies position.
fast reload lets you just spam the earea whereenemies can hide.
getting hit also rarely leaves you completelyvulnerable.
Enemies will have hard time surrounding youif you can control both sides of where enemies can come from.
M3 lee is one of theese unusual and fun lowtier tanks that are often left unnoticed.
Becouse it can effectively research only firstand second tier tanks it has small value for anyone unlocking top tier vehicles.
But it's one of the best choices when allyou need is vehicle whitch effectiveness greatly reliess on your skill and rewards that skillby providing a very wide variety of options.
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