How To Use Skype On Phone

In this video I will show you how to useSkype on Android.
I will start by showing you how to install.
Then we will create anew account and check all settings that we can use.
After that we will see how wecan call somebody and share screen with them.
Also we will see how to start aconference call.
For you to install Skype on an Android you will need to find Google Play tap on Google Play.
On the search above write Skype.
After you have found Skype just tap on install and wait.
After the install is complete just tapon open.
After you have installed app, to create anaccount you will need to do the following.
Now tap on Let's go.
Tap on sign in or create.
Here let's tap create one.
If you already have an account onMicrosoft you can use that to sign in Here you can use your phone number oremail.
Let's use for this demo an email, so I will tap use your email instead.
Write the email Now tap next Create a new password.
Now tap next.
Write your first name and last name.
Tap next Get the code from your email app.
To verify the email let's go to the Gmail app to get this code Here it is.
Let's go back to the Skypeapp to write it.
Tap next.
Write the CAPTCHA code.
Tap next.
Now select the date of birth.
Now select the country.
Tap next.
Confirm your age by tapping next.
Here you can find contacts easily.
Youcan tap allow or deny, how you wish.
Tap on continue.
I will tap Allow Here again tap on Continue and press allow to all dialogues from this step.
Now your Skype is connected on your Android phone with a new account.
Let's see a short presentation of the app.
On this new app you will have on the top left anotification button, So tap on that when you have new notifications.
On the righttop you have some sort options for the list that you will have with the chats.
Also you have on the bottom the following buttons, chat , call, contact andnew chat button.
You can check the settings and set up a status or a picture if you press on the top part where is your profile.
Let's tap it.
Here you can set up your current state.
You can be active, busy, away or invisible.
If you are invisible the person will not see that you areconnected to Skype.
After that is the status.
let's change our status.
Also, here you have option for Skypeprofile.
Here you can change your name, picture, share your profile and set upsome option for privacy Option “other ways people can find you” gives you control not to appear on the search when somebody searches your name.
Here is this option.
Also you can add a mobile number here If you want Now, on settings, youhave also a lot of options.
Account and profile are almost the same option asSkype profile, that we already looked on On general, you have the option to changethe language of the app.
On appearance you can choose the theme for your Skypeand also the main color.
You can play with it and set up it how you like.
On calling settings you have some interesting stuff like caller ID.
You can make so in a person receive a phone call from Skype to look like it's coming fromyour phone number.
Also, you can allow only calls from contacts to ring on thisdevice.
This way you will not be bothered by anyone that you do not know.
Also youcan activate the option call subtitles.
This will be very good for people who donot hear well.
On messaging, you have options specific to messages, nothingspecial but this is useful On notifications, you can set up what exact push notification to receive.
Skype is generous and lets you exactly choose what you wish to receive.
That is very nice Also here if you tap on the chatthe notification you will be able to disable notification for some time or permanent Now, the last option is contacts.
Here you can sync your phone contacts with Skype If you have not already done this So now you have Skype installed on your phone.
Skype is a very good app to keep intouch with friends and co-workers.
To add the contact on skype you will need to do the following.
Tap on the contact button from the bottom.
Here tap on the iconfrom the bottom with a profile and a plus.
On the search you will need to addthe user name of the account you want to.
Add or the name for that person.
Let'ssearch a part of a user name.
Now you can see Skype found multiple accounts withthe same name.
So when you add the contact check the user name of theperson and also is good to check the image if there are multiple person withthe same name The best way to choose who is your contact is to look at thepicture.
Now tap on add for the person who you want to add as a contact.
Theperson who you added as a contact need to confirm that they know you.
So waitfor the other person to respond.
if you want to call somebody on skype, pleasefollow these steps.
First on the chat zone, if you already talked with thatperson, you can easily start call If you do not find the person on this zone tap on the contacts and find the person there Tap on the personwho you want to call.
Now on the top you have two buttons: a video icon and a call icon.
If you wish to start a video call just tap the video icon.
If you want tostart an audio call just stop the phone icon.
So let's tap on the video call.
Now the call is in progress and we are waiting for the other person to accept the call Please note if the person has accepted the call you can easily turn on or off video or audio in any time of the call on this window.
You will have three buttons microphone, video and end call.
Also you'll have on this window three dots on the bottom.
Tap on it.
Here you will see other options like: allow incoming video, turn subtitleson, add people, start recording and share screen.
If you turn subtitles on thenskype we'll try to write what the person said.
This is a very good option forthose who do not hear well.
Also if you want to keep a copy of the discussionwith the person, you can press on start recording.
Please keep in mind that bothof you will get the record so be sure to tell the other person you record themeeting.
Also you can share your screen for the person if you need to show themsomething from your phone.
Tthese are the main options of the call.
If you wish tocreate a conference call in Skype please follow these steps.
You have two options to start the conference call.
Let's see what you can do if you already are in a call with somebody and you want to add another person to the call.
So I will just go start a call with somebody I'll tap the person's name.
Tap the call button.
So the call has started.
Now tap the three dots from the bottomright.
Tap add people from this menu.
From the list select what person you wish to add to a conference.
It could be multiple persons.
If you have a big list you caneasily search the contact.
Tap on that person to check that you wish to add on the conference call.
If you added by mistake somebody you can easily deletethem before you call them.
Tap the X button near their profilepicture.
After you have added the person you want, tap on Add.
Now the person's will be called and after they accept you will start the conference call.
Anotherway to start the conference call is to create a group for that conference Tap on this button from the bottom Now tap on the new group chat On this group write the name of the conference you want.
After this select the person whoyou wish to add in a group After you have done this just tap done.
In this new group just tap on the call from the top and you will start your newconference like the simple call on conference call.
You have the sameoptions to add more person's, share screen and record meeting.
This is quite useful.
For you to start the share screen you will need to call somebody.
Let's call somebody from my list.
Tap that person's name and tap the call button from the top.
The call has started now Tap on the 3 dots from the bottom left.
Here you will see the screen sharing option.
Tap share screen Now youwill receive a notification about exposing sensitive info.
This info couldbe different depending on the Android version and your brand of phone.
If youare sure to start the screen sharing tap on Start Now.
Now screen sharing isstarted.
Let's see how this looks on somebody's screen.
Here is the other account connected to the conference.
You will see that this person see your current screenm any notificationm any data is visible to that person.
The screensharing has a bit of a lag, but that's normal.
See a bit how it behaves To stop the share screen just go back tothe Skype app.
You will have on the top a stop screen button.
Tap it and thescreen sharing should stop If this was useful please like share and subscribe.
Also if you have any questions please ask them on the comments area below.
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