4 Ways to Estimate How Much Epoxy To Pour
– Hey, I'm Caleb withYou Can Make This Too.
I'm about to do an epoxypour on this coffee table, but before I do, I thought this was a great time to go over four different ways, to estimate how muchepoxy you need for a pour.
So ultimately we're trying to figure out how much to mix up in our bucket.
Whatever size bucket we're using.
Which is a fluid volume measurements.
This has ounces and quarts and liters.
The first way I'm going to show you to get to that will be using just linear measurementsthat we'll then convert once we get a volume.
So, if you remember from geometry you need to take three measurements in order to calculate a volume.
Length, width and height.
Of course as you can see from this table , the negative space I needto fill is really crazy.
So I would have to do like, area of a triangle here and fill in all these spots to get anywhere close.
So this isn't a good technique for this table but I'llgo over it anyways.
Let's pretend that wejust had a square here, it's about eight inches, by 12 inches, eight times 12 is 96.
And, I'm just under an inch, we'll round up to an inch, 'cause I always would rather have a little bit more than not enough.
So one inch times 96 is 96 cubic inches.
We can convert that to ounces.
That's the amount.
This would work better on something if you have a fairly straight, like a traditional river table, with the big straight areathat you're tryna fill.
This would work prettywell, and be pretty quick.
The next is the most accurate and something a few people commented on my epoxy cutting board video, that are charcuterie boards.
And that is to literallyjust fill this void with something else.
Rice, dried beans, sand, pea gravel, flour, sugar you just whatever you have.
Fill it up and then pour it out, pour it out and it will tellyou exactly how much there is.
Now this a pretty big formthat would be and will be, and I need a lot ofmedium to fill it with.
So I'm not gonna go that way on this, but if you have some, several small forms, or a really strange funky pattern and it's not to big, that's areally good technique to use.
So, next is super, quick and dirty way that works if you don't mind, mixing multiple batches or know you're going to bemixing multiple batches.
Let's just take whateveryou're gonna use to mix, and then just lay it out and figure out about how many times you'll have to fill it.
So I'll go one, two, three, four, five, call that six, seven and call that eight.
So, eight bottom layers of this.
I know that my wood isabout one inch thick.
And to the top line of mybucket, is five inches.
And, three inches which is two liters and three inches up is about one and a quarter liters.
So I'll need at least, oneand three quarter liters.
So what I do is probably start at about, one and three quarter liters.
So two of these buckets, about little over half full.
Pour that and see where it gets me, and should be prettyclose to the neighborhood.
Although, what I reallyprobably ought to do is fill up one bucket first with two liters, pour that out, see how it does.
If it comes up at least, half way or I'm stilllacking one and a quarter by my guesstimate then you know go a little less than twoand see where it goes.
If it's less than half, then you know you're goingto need more than two liters.
If it's well over halfthen you can just kinda, you know quick and dirty, it's a guesstimate.
And number four which is thetechnique I used on this, is getting kinda high tech, I'm gonna take a picture of this, import it into Photoshop, but I'm sure you could use GIMP or whatever photo software you have, probably even some free stuff.
To figure out the ratio, the percentage of the negativespace to the whole mold and then convert that basedon knowing the dimensions and to the volume that I need.
And I'm gonna walk through thatprocess with you real quick.
Okay, I'm no Photoshop wizard but here's what I figuredout to make this work.
I imported my photo and the first thing I'm gonna do is the polygon tool to select out just my mold here.
Looks like it didn't getit clicked first time.
Okay now I'm gonna use Ctrl + C to copy, make a new layer, pastenow I've isolated this.
Okay first thing you need to do is get the total area of the whole mold.
So I'm gonna use my magic wand tool, select the transparency, but I need the inverse, just the mold, so select, inverse, now wecan use the measure tools.
First I wanna make sure, soselect data points, custom.
See I only have area checked, I don't care about anything else.
Now I can run it, record measurements.
All right, and the firstnumber, that's the area.
So five point three two million pixels.
Okay, and of course, Photoshop can't giveme inches or anything, just pixels but that's okay.
'Cause I'm looking at ratios.
Now, I'm going to usethe quick selection tool to select the white space.
I like this tool 'causeit just kinda jumps and then automatically figures it out.
Now I'm not looking to get perfect here, I'm just trying to get inthe ballpark of the area.
So if it gets a little bit of wood, if I miss a little bit of white, that's okay.
Al right, I think I've got most of the white spaces, I'm gonna fill.
Now, I'm gonna do the same thing, image analysis, record measurements.
And, oh here's my numbers.
Okay, so, 973, 000 pixels.
Al right, now a little bit of math.
We'll just do 973, 000pixels divided by 5, 3200 think it's almost worth amillion, one; two; three.
Then I'll write million.
Okay, 18%.
Now, we need to covert thisto a measurement we can use.
I know my mold is 24 inches, by 48 inches.
That's 11, 52 squareinches, multiplied by 18.
8% 207.
So, now, I need to know how many, oh, and , so that's the area.
Now we need the volume.
I know, I'm seven, eighths thick.
So that's point eight two five, or point eight seven five or seven eights.
181, let's say 182 causeI don't wanna go light do a quick Google.
182 inches in ounces.
A 100 fluid ounces.
So, that's where we're gonna start.
The pour went well, Iended up needing more than I estimated, becausethis was live edge.
And of course the live edge has an angle, so that was increased volume, so make sure you add to it.
But, any way, this wouldn'tbe one of my videos if I didn't give you more than I said I was going to, so here's some tips on mixing.
For every batch you mix, you wanna use at least two buckets.
One bucket to mix in, another bucket to pour everything into it.
I normally skip this, whenever I do, my filming.
Then as you know, epoxy istwo parts resin or hardener, I like using TOTALBOAT, 'causeI've had good luck with it.
Talked to them, they sponsor me, sponsored this video, because I like your product.
Anyway, these two have to be completely, and thoroughly mixed.
If you do not mix the hardenercompletely with the resin, then you're gonna havesoft spots that don't cure.
There's a good chance that when you pour those two components into the bucket, and you mix it, for atleast three minutes, there's still gonna bethat's like on the bottom, or maybe on the sides, that's just resin or just hardener that didn't fully incorporate.
Everything in the middle, assuming you mix long enough, is gonna be mixed good, so when you pour that into another bucket, everything in this bucket's good.
So the first bucket you used, just get rid of it, it's gone.
Forget it ever existedand now you can scrape every last drop youwant out of this bucket, and you're still gonna have a good pour.
Another thing is shop temperature, you want the closer to about 80 degrees, the better your resin is gonna do, and the quicker it's gonna set up, you know, within those specs, you can read on my can.
So I've a space heater I use, 'cause it's February to keep all this.
Anyway, I had good luckand that was four ways to estimate epoxy, and afew extra tips on mixing.
If you wanna see the video on this, it's gonna come out next week, first week in March, 2020.
So make sure you subscribe and hit notify, if you wanna see that, orjust think I earned it, anyway, hope you're inspired, learned something, orat least entertained.
Until next time, maketime to make something.
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