16 Tips we Learned Experimenting with Epoxy Art

hey guys we're Evan and Katelyn today weare gonna be exploring resin and additives and I was exploring them hahaha I was so confused we're gonna be
testingtips and tricks that we have read on the Internet and seeing if they actuallywork now the first thing that you need nowthe first thing that you need to do is get a handle on all of the potential stuff you definitely don't need all of this we just have a few ofeverything the first thing that you need some sort of resin or epoxy you can usetwo-part epoxy like this there's
a whole bunch of different things we are gonnabe mostly using this total boat because it comes with these applicators thatdispense things at the right ratios and that just makes things easier andremoves one of the headaches you also need cups and mixing devicesanother thing that comes in handy are
things for cleanup such as gloves and abig plastic mat to roll out on your work table so you don't get things reallymessy because we don't want just clear resin we have also got some liquid dyessome powdered pigment mm-hmm whole buttload of glitter and on top of it allwe
might be trying a paint pen these are paint pens Iwas gonna like I was gonna tellyou if it was acrylic or oil based but I think both work if you're gonna do alot you might want a mask and my favorite partsome sort of fire flame thing all right
guys it is time to mix the resin youhave to keep them at room temperature about 70 to 75 degrees if you're in acold environment you can always set them in a hot tub of water to heat them upbut ours are good to go this is one pump of
this to one pump ofthis and we're gonna need a lot more than that read the directions becauseyou always have to mix it for more than you think for this particular epoxy weneed to stir for two to three minutes so let's stick around for those twothree minutes and get
that highly engaging content don't go away you alsowant to make sure that the surface you're pouring on is level do not trustthat your floor or tabletop is level because ours was notso we're using some molds we already had for coasters I think most silicone moldsshould be fine the
shinier they are the more shiny your final piece is gonna beyeah so I'm just pouring in resin straight and I'm gonna be using pinataalcohol ink and it has a crazy effect you put a drop in oh look at thatalready but the magic happens you put in white oh
gonna be hard not to do just likeevery single freaking color when you add alcohol ink so you can get these crazyblooms of color on the underside hopefully that happens on this one soI'm doing is using the powdered pigments and mixing those individually beforepouring them in so we're gonna
try two different techniques these glovesare Evan size oh man all these are sealed how much time do we have? I don't I should have chosen the theme [every single freaking color] I might try like mixing them with oh that is cool Wow mixing it up made it
five to sixtimes better oh that looks beautiful I'm gonna blow torch it what we've heard isdo a light boop that's it don't do more than that otherwise you can ruin your resinwell this is exciting so I'm gonna start pouring from theoutside and go in Wow this pigment is
ri- look at that I should really befollowing our safety guidelines and be using gloves oh my gosh Katelyn look at this gold thegold is ready ooo oh I didn't add any glitter! I'm also gonna put some of these little beads this is a cooltexture so these are little
plastic beads that I used to put my makeupbrushes in we'll put a link to all this stuff we're using down below by the wayokay I'm gonna go for more so much is going on more beads this whole experience thefilming and the making has been a learning experience because
noteverything has gone as planned I like that you can kind of control like I canmove where the center of this is by adding more to a certain side okay I'mjust gonna add a little bit more to the outside that's really cool hahaha look at the depth you
can seethe layers of gold though like everything you did lower down you cansee it can I put one or two beads right in the center bead me one two three four you lied you said one or two that's pretty cool I think it might begood I don't want
to mess with it too muchWow okay so we're about three or four projects deep right now don't know don'tshow don't show the house is super messy so we don't have a lot of time forthings like grocery shopping which is where our sponsor comes in HelloFreshHelloFresh can give you
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and enter code evankatelyn60 evankatelyn60 all righttime to eat this and we'll get back to work I'm excited to see how ourcreations turned out like Christmas morning they look like they did last night yeah but when we pop them outthat's a good sign whoa that show me the other
side too ooo the other sides's cool too wowthat is cra- cra- cool crazy ooo look at that too crazy yours looks like a galaxy one thing I want to test on these is howwell this sands and files and can be manipulated after the pour it's reallysharp you could
oh I thought I cut myself I didn't you could cut yourselfthough I think one of the main lessons I learned is add more alcohol ink than Ithought I really liked all of the crazy details that happen on the edges andwhere the alcohol ink dropped all the way down
so really I just want to createmore of that and that just means more alcohol ink this side ended up being prettycool I think one thing I do differently with mine is actually used more pigmentI think I got nervous I didn't want to use too much but I noticed
the gold thatyou mixed was a little bit more than I did and it turned out great the othercolors are a little like not quite as saturated as I would want oh yeah youcan kind of like see through them we so we each learned a lot about the pouringtechnique
with the pigments and the alcohol ink technique I think it'd bereally cool to try combining them into one pour maybe we try that nextyeah let's do it already time to try another pour I'm going for a beach shoreon one side waves on other I'm going to do cat
eyecuz cats are cool and I like them we have a bunch of extra resin I'm gonna do another what happened to all my brown there was so much browned earlier yeah my cat it doesn't look like a cat my cat eye looks more like a topographicalthing than yours
does I know and we just made this bonus one well I guess we'llsee if they keep changing or if they even out who knows alrighty it is time ooo that's nice whoa crazy looking looks like a turtle ooo you know what's interesting I had some speckles of justpowder
in there unintentionally wow that looks cool this one's way more opaque that is so pretty yeah big difference numero two okaythat's like well I guess this makes sense this is what I looked like in thebeginning when I poured it this is cool I intended for the underside to
be thefinish side so whoa is it more brown than blue like you expected whoa weird thatis funky it's like crackled right it looks completely different yeah since Ipoured clear first there was space for things to drop into it anything youwould do differently I think I got a pretty
close to what I intended mm-hmmbut I think next time I might layer and more and so it's clear and then ink andthen resin so if I were to do these again well this line I didn't really gointo it with any plan but one thing I noticed in some
of the darker places italmost wrinkles a little bit on the surface yeah you see the wrinkles thatwas at the end of the life of the resin this one so I was gonna do a cat eye and Ithought I could just like pour things and they would kind of
stay in place Ireally like how this looks it's just not what I intended at allone thing we haven't tried yet are these so we should test these ooh put a black cats eye in right now you only got white and silver so it's not gonna happen butI'll test
something I don't overdo it but that's pretty coolwhy don't you trace one of the outside ones try to make it thicker I hope that this videogives you enough information to get yeah that does look cool having one a little bit thicker I hope that this video gives you
enough information to get going and the confidence to know thatyou can make cool stuff even if you don't know what you're doing yesresin is awesome bye
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